Creativity & Peacemaking
by Sister Alexandra Kovats, CSJP
“In the beginning God created …” The Holy One manifests herself through creating and creativity. This gift of creativity is also embedded in our magnificent Universe.
Planet Earth, our home, also gives witness to creative fertility. The birthing of molecules and organisms is a never ending process. Creative energies are at constant work and play all around us.
To be human is also to be creative. We are also agents of creativity. Meister Eckhart reminds us, that “the human soul is as generative as God is” and that “we are the heirs of the fearful, creative power of God.” Such gift and responsibility has been bestowed on us!
As peacemakers, we are called to engage our creative energies to bring about justice and peace. We must engage our imaginations as a key dimension of creativity. What would living in harmony with creation look like? What about creating non-violent relationships and inclusive language in communicating? How do we respond in imaginative and creative ways to war, globalization, and the gift and scarcity of water?
I believe that it is our contemplative stance, seeing from the heart of God that will fuel life-giving images of future possibilities. Once we let those images emerge the next step in the process it to make them real and visible, to find ways of enfleshing them. As a Congregation, we have been embracing our creativity for 131 years. As we celebrate our graced history we claim being co-creators of the kin-dom of God in our time and culture!
This reflection originally appeared in the CSJP 125th Anniversary Booklet.